Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ready to Start Chemo!

I went to my oncologist last Friday and after talking it over, we decided that I would start my chemo treatment this coming Friday (March 6). So, I go to the hospital Friday morning and have the surgeon put in a port (under the skin on my upper chest) in order to receive the chemo infusions. Then after being released from the hospital, I'll go across the street to the cancer treatment center and have my first infusion. I feel good to get it started! Jim will spend the day with me and I'm sure all will go well. During this first round (3 months) I will go in every 3 weeks for an infusion. Of course this schedule is always subject to change depending on my blood counts. Unfortunately, white and red blood cells temporarily decrease in this treatment. And I will probably loose all my hair -- for a while. But, I'm anxious to get started and work through the plan to complete recovery!

The second round will be this summer and those chemo infusions will take place once a week. I'm very grateful that all this is happening during long sunny days and not the dark of winter. There's a bright spot in every challenge!! :-)

Please say a little prayer for me this weekend! I look forward to hearing from you now and then.
Happy Spring to you!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Happy Wednesday!
I am feeling pretty good today but with some fluid building up on my back. I have an appointment tomorrow for the plastic surgeon to drain it off. She said this might happen, so no big deal.

I went to see an Oncologist yesterday and learned that she wants me to go through 6 months of chemo therapy (no radiation though). This doesn't surprise me since they found 2 small cancer spots. Not sure when these IV treatments will start (in 2 or 3 weeks) but will get all the details after I have more tests and clearance from my cardiologist next week. I guess I will be loosing all my hair soon so time to find some hats & scarves!

Next week I will go back to work for a few hours a day just to see how I can handle sitting at a desk and working on a computer. There is work I can do from home so I'll try that too. I'm anxious to get back to my life.

Thanks again for your prayers and support!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I was not able to get on Internet last Friday and all weekend. Very frustrating! Thank you for your continued support and prayers!!

On Friday I went to see both surgeons and each removed the final drainage tube. This made it so much easier to move around! I still have muscle tightness in my back and chest, so that is the only "pain" that I have. Advil & Tylenol helps. Jim went back to work this morning so I'll be on my own most of the week. My mother is coming to visit (& help) today. Since I can move around pretty good, I will be OK, if only a little bored! :-)

This Monday is a much better day than last week (with the flu) and I hope to go back to work part time next week.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

2 down, 2 to go!

Good Morning!
I feel pretty darn good today! We (mostly Jim) have been cleaning and disinfecting our house this morning to get rid of all the germs!! We want our house clean enough for visitors again!! (That's an invitation!) We would not want anyone to get the flu -- wouldn't recommend that to anyone!

I went to the general surgeon yesterday afternoon and he removed only one drainage tube. That's 2 out and 2 to go. I have appointments at both doctor's offices tomorrow and hope to have the others removed. That will make moving around so much easier. Surgeon said my incisions looked good.

Next Tuesday I have an appointment to meet an Oncologist to start making a plan for the future. It's always good to know what's coming and what is needed.

I like to watch the deer and squirrels out my windows this week and be reminded that spring is not far off. I hope you all have a great day! Enjoy!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, Feeling Better!

Good morning!
I feel so much better this morning! That flu bug was awful and really zapped my strength. Jim has taken good care of me and I'm grateful that he's home this week.

I went to one of my surgeons yesterday and she removed one of my four drainage tubes. She said that my incisions are healing nicely. I have an appointment this afternoon to see my general surgeon and I hope he takes out 2 of the tubes. It's slow progress but I can see the light of day this morning! Now I need to regain the strength I lost during two days of suffering from the flu.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

1 down, 3 to go!

Hello all, this is Shannon again today. Mom is feeling a bit better as her doctor prescribed anti-nausea meds yesterday, but she is still not over the flu. Today she went to see her plastic surgeon and she removed 1 of her 4 drainage tubes - yeah!! They expect to remove another this Friday when she returns to the plastic surgeon. The other 2 tubes belong to the general surgeon and I believe Mom sees him tomorrow.

Continued good thoughts/prayers for this flu bug to be gone are most appreciated!

Meanwhile the weather here today is gorgeous!! This is very rare for February and so delightful. I bet Mom enjoyed getting out today in this weather.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The flu... :-(

Hi all! This is Shannon again posting for Mom, because today she has the flu. And she has a really bad case of it too. Throwing up is never easy or fun, but its even more difficult when you have sutures and drain lines to contend with. Dad called Mom's surgeon and she prescribed an anti-nausea medicine for her. Hopefully this will work soon!

Mom had a nice visit with her Mom, Stephanie and Ryan last Friday. Ryan was very confused by the drain lines and what was in them. It's hard to explain these kinds of things to a 4 year old. Then on Saturday Mom visited with Jamie, Gracie and her long-time friend Sue Henry. By Sunday Mom was tired and also getting the flu... today she and dad are 'hibernating' and are not allowing visitors as Mom is afraid for anyone else to catch this bug! She'll get over it soon though, I am confident.

Check back later this week for an update from Mom herself. Thanks for reading! :-)